

Project maintained by CS2103JAN2017-W14-B4 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

User Guide

  1. About
  2. Quick Start
    2.1. Installation Instructions
    2.2. Launch
    2.3. Visual Introduction
  3. Features
    3.1. Adding a task: add / a
    3.2. Editing a task: edit / e
    3.3. Selecting a task: select
    3.4. Marking a task as done: done / d
    3.5. Deleting a task: kill / k
    3.6. Sorting a list of tasks: sort / s
    3.7. Finding tasks: find / f
    3.8. Listing all tasks: list / l
    3.9. Reverts the command: undo / u
    3.10. Redoing the last undone command: redo / r
    3.11. Clearing all entries: clear /c
    3.12. Moving the save file: save
    3.13. Aliasing a command: alias
    3.14. Exiting the program: quit / q
    3.15. Viewing help: help / h
  4. Frequently Asked Questions
  5. Command Summary

1. About

Have you ever felt frustrated because you were unable to manage your daily tasks? Why not try ezDo, the eziest™ way to keep track of all your tasks efficiently? Whether you’re planning a holiday, powering through your day or managing multiple work projects, ezDo is here to help you tick off all your personal and professional to-dos!

With its user-friendly interface and command line style inputs, ezDo allows you to create, find and sort tasks without using the mouse at all!

For an ez™ life, use ezDo.

2. Quick Start

2.1. Installation Instructions

  1. Install Java version 1.8.0_60 or later on your computer.
  2. Download the latest ezDo.jar from the releases tab (as shown in Figure 1).

Figure 1: Locating ezDo.jar from the Releases Tab
  1. Copy the latest ezDo.jar to the folder you want to use. This folder will be the home folder for ezDo.

2.2. Launch

To start the application, double-click on ezDo.jar. The user interface should appear in a few seconds. A sample view of the user interface is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Sample View of ezDo

2.3. Visual Introduction

Figure 2 above illustrates some features that you will find useful when you embark on ezDo:

  1. Command Box
    Your commands should be typed here.

  2. Description Box
    The results of your command executions will be shown here.

  3. Task Card
    Each task in ezDo is represented by a task card with the following properties:
    • Each task card has an index on the left.

    • The color bar on the left indicates its priority.
      • Green

        : low priority

      • Orange

        : medium priority

      • Red

        : high priority

    • The color shown on the start date and/or due date represents the following.
      • The start date is in green: The start date of a task has past ezDo’s last updated date.
      • The due date is in orange: The due date is about to due in 7 days according to ezDo’s last updated date.
      • Both start and due dates are in red: The task is overdue according to ezDo’s last updated date.

    • Under the status column, a task has either:
      • Not commenced (with no icon)
      • Commenced (with a hammer icon)
      • Completed (with a tick icon)

    • Task cards may have a start/end time.

    • Task cards may have any number of tags associated with it.
  4. Tags
    Each task may have some tags associated with it. Tags are a way for you to group and classify your tasks.

Quick Tip:

If you hover your mouse over the command box or description box, a tooltip description will be displayed in a few seconds. The description briefly describes its functionality. This is one way you can locate them on the user interface easily.

Now that we are familiar with ezDo’s interface, let us get started with the features of ezDo!

3. Features

A summary of the commands available on ezDo is shown in Table 1 for your convenience.

Command Description
add / a Adds a task
edit / e Edits a task
select Marks the status of a task
done / d Marks a task as done
kill / k Deletes a task
sort / s Sorts the list of tasks
find / f Searches for a task
list / l Lists the tasks
undo / u Reverts the last action
redo / r Redoes the last undo
clear / c Deletes all tasks
save Saves ezDo to a directory
alias Aliases a command
quit / q Quits ezDo
help / h Shows the user guide
Table 1: Summary of Commands in ezDo

Quick Tip:

You can type the first letter of any command instead of typing in full (except save). For example, you can type u instead of undo to revert the last command.

Things to note:

3.1 Adding a task: add / a

Adds a task to ezDo.



  • Add as many tags as you want to a task, if required.

  • Add a FREQUENCY if required. The acceptable words are daily, weekly, monthly and yearly (case sensitive).

  • The FREQUENCY cannot be added when both the STARTDATE and DUEDATE are not available.

  • Add a STARTDATE or DUEDATE if required. Refer to Table 2 for examples of STARTDATE and DUEDATE.

  • Mark tasks with PRIORITY level 1, 2 or 3, with 1 the highest priority and 3 the lowest, if required.

|STARTDATE / DUEDATE| |:———| |Sun, Nov 21| |jan 1st| |february twenty-eighth| |last wednesday| |today| |tomorrow| |3 days from now| |three weeks ago| |1978-01-28| |1984/04/02| |1/02/1980| |2/28/79|

Table 2: Examples of valid STARTDATE and DUEDATE formats


3.2 Editing a task: edit / e

Edits a particular task by specifying its index and new information to be updated.



  • Clear a task’s field (except task name) by inputting the right prefix only.
  • The FREQUENCY cannot be in the task when both the STARTDATE and DUEDATE are not available.


This task has just been added at INDEX 1 with the add command:

add Buy milk p/1 t/NTUC

You can now edit the task in several ways:

3.3 Selecting a task: select

Marks the status of task at a specified index.


select INDEX [INDEX]...

  • INDEX refers to the index number of the tasks shown in the most recent listing.

  • From the list of uncompleted tasks (by typing list), when a task is selected, the status column will show a hammer icon (indicating that the task is completing in progress.

  • From the list of uncompleted tasks (by typing list), you can remove the hammer icon by typing select INDEX [INDEX]....

  • From the list of completed tasks (by typing done), you cannot select a task to set its status because the status column shows a tick icon (indicating that the task is completed) by default.


3.4 Marking a task as done: done / d

Marks the task at a specified index as done.


done INDEX [INDEX]...

  • INDEX refers to the index number of the tasks shown in the most recent listing.

  • Once a task is marked as done, it will be removed from the task list and added to the done list.

  • View the done list with the command done without any index specified.


3.5 Deleting a task: kill / k

Marks the task at a specified index as deleted.


kill INDEX [INDEX]...

  • INDEX refers to the index number of the tasks shown in the most recent listing.

  • You must input a valid INDEX.

  • Once a task is deleted, it will be removed from the task list.


3.6 Sorting a list of tasks: sort / s

Sorts the list of tasks by the specified field according to the specified ordering.



FIELD can be any of the following:

  • n - name
  • p - priority
  • s - start date
  • d - due date

ORDER can be any of the following:

  • a - ascending order
  • d - descending order


You have just added a few tasks to ezDo with the following add commands:

add Dye hair p/1 s/06/05/2017 d/07/08/2017
add Buy milk p/1 s/04/05/2017 d/09/06/2017
add Call milkman p/1 s/05/05/2017 d/08/07/2017

Sort the tasks by name using either one of the following commands:

Figure 4: View Before and After Sorting Tasks

Figure 4 illustrates the screenshots before and after the sort command was used.

3.7 Finding tasks: find / f

Finds tasks whose information contains any of the given keywords specified by its prefix.



  • Input at least one field to search for a task.

  • The fields are case insensitive. For example: find Milk will match the task with the name milk.

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. For example: find Buy Milk will match the task with the name Milk Buy.

  • Only full words will be matched. For example: find Milk will not match the task with the name Milks.

  • Only tasks that match all the keywords will be returned.

    For example: find Milk p/1 will not match with the task Buy Milk with a priority of 2.

    For example: find donuts milk will match the task with the name Buy donuts and milk.

  • You can search tasks that have start date and due date before and after certain dates.

    For example: find s/before 10/05/2017 will return all tasks that start before 10/05/2017.

    For example: find d/after 10/10/2017 will return all tasks that are due after 10/10/2017.

  • Type list to go back to the default view.


3.8 Listing all tasks: list / l

Lists all the tasks in ezDo.



3.9 Reverting the last action: undo / u

Reverts the last command.



  • Only the following commands can be undone: add, clear, done, edit, kill.

  • The command undo can only be used up to 5 times consecutively.


Revert the task buy milk that was just deleted by typing undo

3.10 Redoing the last undone action: redo / r

Redoes the last undone command.



  • Only commands that can be undone can be redone.

  • The command redo can only be used up to 5 times consecutively.


Redo the last undone deletion of the task buy milk i.e. delete it again, by typing redo

3.11 Clearing all entries: clear / c

Clears all entries from ezDo.



3.12 Moving the save file: save

Moves the save file of ezDo to a specified directory.



  • The directory specified must be valid.

  • Administrative permissions might be required to access directories in the computer.


3.13 Aliasing a command: alias

Maps a command to the shortcut specified.


alias COMMAND SHORTCUT OR alias reset

  • COMMAND can only be a valid ezDo command.

  • SHORTCUT must not be an ezDo command.

  • alias reset can be used to reset all aliases.


3.14 Exiting the program: quit / q

Exits the program.



No exit confirmation will be displayed upon executing the command!

3.15 Viewing help: help / h

Brings up the help guide in a separate window.



4. Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?

A: Install ezDo on the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous ezDo.

Q: How do I save my ezDo tasks?

A: ezDo data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.

5. Command Summary

For your convenience, the parameters for every command available in ezDo are summarised in Table 3 below. Some examples have been included.

Command Parameters
  add Buy fruits p/1 s/tomorrow
  edit 1 p/2 s/next week
select select INDEX [INDEX]...
  select 1 4 5
done / d done INDEX [INDEX]...
  done 2 6 7
kill / k kill INDEX [INDEX]...
  kill 4 3
sort / s sort FIELD [ORDER]
  sort n d
  find math t/homework d/before sunday
save save DIRECTORY
  save C:/Dropbox
  alias quit kaboom
list / l list
undo / u undo
redo / r redo
clear / c clear
quit / q quit
help / h help
Table 3: Command Summary

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